We all, as students, have been in the situation in which the teacher take our phone just because it ringed or just because we were looking at the hours. The incontestable truth is that teachers don’t understand that smartphones, tablets and even laptops are objects to which we become attached and make our academic life much easier. A smartphone’s agenda can easily be used to tell us after the class is over which is the homework or warn us that in the next week there is an exam and is time to start studying for it.
Computers and tablets can be used to replace notebooks, we save paper and their memory and easy utilization help to organize all the files from school, and this way we wouldn’t have to buy new notebooks in each school term. Paper sheets will continue to be used for homework and to prove that this was done by us. There will still be paper consumption, but will be much more reduced that the current one. Bottom line: we go through all this and in 10 years our children will continue with the same problem. Is it really? Sorry but the answer to those problems is already being solved and the answer is in the head of Heyon You, a cooperator with the brand we choose: Samsung. But there’s no need to be sad, because very soon you too will be able to enjoy this technology.
Since we are aware the people’ needs, and not helping students to go against teacher’s decisions, we are developing a system to make both students and teacher’s life more easy. Worksheets transferred to students in real time, the possibility for the teacher to check on what each students is doing in the class. Tecnology that will be available to the hole world and everyone. Rogue students that will stop hiding their phones and use them by shaping them to their wrist as the device change and adapt to the students needs. A future were anti-tech teachers will incentivize it’s use through smartphone and tablets, which will be used by the teachers themselves on the long class meetings, and completely eliminating the necessity of photocopy worksheets for the class on the next day.
Samsung, in the past, in the present and in the future.