sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Human rights- "The Last King Of Scotland"

As we saw this week all the human beings have rights and duties. To create equality to all the races, sex etc(...), it was created the " Universal Declaration of Human Rights",consisting in 30 articles wich defend all the rights of the human being. Following this theme we have seen the movie "The Last King of Scotland". This movie shows the life of a doctor who have recentlly finished the formation and goes to Africa specifically to Uganda. There this doctor begins of being a doctor of people but quickly becomes the doctor of the president of that country.
Carrigan (the Doctor) after having become the doctor of the president becomes his advisor and his friend and as time pass Carrigan see that the President it isn't what he shows to be but it is a dictator and the doctor trys to escape.
 As usual our blog is about music and so we will give you one music from the soundtrack of this movie.

(I'm sorry but we didn't have found the lyrics of this song)

This song is from a musician called Toko, the only information that we have about him is that he is a composer, saxophonist and singer.

sábado, 19 de novembro de 2011

Mandela Day - Simple Minds

Simple Minds are a Scottish rock band who achieved worldwide popularity from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. The band has sold more than 40 million albums since 1979. The band is made by five members, Jim Kerr (Vocals) Charlie Burchill ( Guitar, Keyboard), Mel Gaynor (Drums), Andy Gillespie (Keyboard) and Ged Grimes ( Bass Guitar).

Mandela Day is a song made by Simple Minds, and it relates do the 2nd article of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.".

It was 25 years they take that man away
Now the freedom moves in closer every day
Wipe the tears down from your saddened eyes
They say Mandela's free so step outside
Oh oh oh oh Mandela day
Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free

It was 25 years ago this very day
Held behind four walls all through night and day
Still the children know the story of that man
And I know what's going on right through your land

25 years ago
Na na na na Mandela day
Oh oh oh Mandela's free

If the tears are flowing wipe them from your face
I can feel his heartbeat moving deep inside
It was 25 years they took that man away
And now the world come down say Nelson Mandela's free

Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free

The rising suns sets Mandela on his way
Its been 25 years around this very day
From the one outside to the ones inside we say
Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free
Oh oh oh set Mandela free

Na na na na Mandela day
Na na na na Mandela's free

25 years ago
What's going on
And we know what's going on
Cos we know what's going on

As we can see this song is about Nelson Mandela and how he is undeservedly arrested for the color of his skin, therefore his race. He was in prison for 25 years and his release was a victory for the human rights and discrimination based on race. A man who suffered for 25 years because of prejudice.

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

Langston Hughes - As I Grew Older

James Mercer Langston Hughes lived from 1902 to 1967, and he was a poet, dramatist, novelist, nonfiction, and short story writer. He had a number of poem collections published, the first being The Weary Blues in 1926, and other volumes of poetry were published : Fine Clothes For The Jews (1927), Montage Of A Dream Deferred (1951), Selected Poems Of Langston Hughes (1959), Ask Your Mama : 12 Moods For Jazz (1961). In his poetry Hughes renders the voices experiences, emotions, and spirit of African Americans he deals with subjects like prostitution, racism, lynchings, and teenage pregnancy.
The theme of the story “ As I Grew Older” by Langston Hughes is, no matter what stands in your way fight for your dream. Hughes showcases the fact that racism and discrimination can hold African Americans back from accomplishing their dreams but, through the struggles they can triumph over racism.Hughes wants African Americans to fight for their dreams and stand up for their rights. In the poem “As I Grew Older”, the first stanza represents the birth of a goal or dream, and as the poem progresses Hughes showcases that the dream begins to diminish behind the walls of adulthood, as he grows older. As the poem flows it’s almost as if the white people make Hughes almost give up on his dream until he realizes he can not let them succeed and take away his pride.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011


This weekend we believe that the better presentation was from the group from Jorge and Yuan.
 The theme was very well introduced and in-depth. The group is very well balanced and gives very good examples such from music, cinema or even the dialogues. Even so we still believe that the bets to present was Jorge due to his imposing voice and the fact that he made it appear that dominate the theme. Yuan seemed to us more conservative and perhaps because of that she have read too much.