sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Human rights- "The Last King Of Scotland"

As we saw this week all the human beings have rights and duties. To create equality to all the races, sex etc(...), it was created the " Universal Declaration of Human Rights",consisting in 30 articles wich defend all the rights of the human being. Following this theme we have seen the movie "The Last King of Scotland". This movie shows the life of a doctor who have recentlly finished the formation and goes to Africa specifically to Uganda. There this doctor begins of being a doctor of people but quickly becomes the doctor of the president of that country.
Carrigan (the Doctor) after having become the doctor of the president becomes his advisor and his friend and as time pass Carrigan see that the President it isn't what he shows to be but it is a dictator and the doctor trys to escape.
 As usual our blog is about music and so we will give you one music from the soundtrack of this movie.

(I'm sorry but we didn't have found the lyrics of this song)

This song is from a musician called Toko, the only information that we have about him is that he is a composer, saxophonist and singer.

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